Asgard shed care: maintenance advice for long-lasting durability

Asgard shed care: maintenance advice for long-lasting durability

Asgard sheds, designed and made in Britain (Yorkshire), and come with care and maintenance instructions to keep them in top condition. Made from galvanised metal, they are protected against rusting.

After the galvanising process, each panel of our Asgard sheds is coated with exterior quality textured paint, making them highly weather resistant. Regularly wiping down your shed every month or so will help maintain its condition for years to come. However, in coastal areas where salt is present in the air, salt deposits can gradually damage the paint finish and reach the galvanised metal underneath. To prevent this, simply wipe the shed every couple of weeks with soapy water, paying extra attention to large flat panels like the roof, to significantly reduce the risk of rust.

  1. Remove the loose paint
  2. Treat any exposed paintwork with rust inhibitor
  3. Cover the affected area with Asgard touch-up paint

Extreme Weather Conditions:


Asgard sheds are constructed with fully galvanised metal, making them highly durable against the unpredictable British weather. However, it's important to note that metal is a natural conductor of heat. Therefore, if you position a metal shed in direct sunlight, it will inevitably become hot. In extreme temperatures, the shed may even become too hot to touch. In such cases, it is crucial to refrain from using the shed and ensure that any contents, particularly flammable liquids, are not at risk. If necessary, remove these items from the shed. Ideally, when installing your shed, choose a location in your garden that offers some shade during the midday sun. Placing it near distant trees or in the shadow of your house would be ideal.

Asgard sheds are designed to minimize condensation with their unique ventilated design and full metal base. However, in extremely cold weather, it's important to periodically check for signs of condensation inside the shed. If condensation is present, remove it with a cloth and leave the shed open to allow natural dissipation. To prevent condensation, place the shed away from foliage and ensure there is at least 1.5m of space around it for proper airflow. In extreme cold, the risk of moisture ingress is higher.

Heavy snowfall can pose challenges for metal sheds. When snow accumulates on the shed for an extended period, it can lower the internal temperature and potentially affect the paint finish. To prevent these issues, it is advisable to brush off large snow deposits and clear the doors to prevent melting snow from entering the shed. If you have experienced prolonged heavy snowfall, check for any shed contents that may be sensitive to extreme temperatures, such as hose pipes or liquids, and remove them if needed.

Violent storms pose a threat when using the shed. Asgard sheds are made from heavy gauge metal and so the panels are heavy, the doors on our sheds can weigh up to 25kg each, which makes them potentially dangerous in strong winds. We recommend you do not operate your shed in strong winds. Asgard sheds are exceptionally heavy and so robust enough to withstand heavy wind, however, Asgard always recommends you bolt your shed to the ground with the provided ground fixings for extra safety and security.


Frequently Asked Questions

How can I maintain the durability of my Asgard shed?

To maintain the durability of your Asgard shed, follow the care and maintenance instructions provided. Additionally, wipe down the shed every month or so, especially in coastal areas, to prevent salt deposits from damaging the paint finish.

What should I do in extreme heat?

In extreme heat, refrain from using the shed and remove any flammable liquids or sensitive items. Choose a shaded location during midday sun when installing the shed.

How can I prevent condensation in my shed?

To minimize condensation, ensure proper airflow by placing the shed away from foliage and leaving at least 1.5m of space around it. Periodically check for condensation and remove it with a cloth if necessary.

How should I handle heavy snowfall?

Brush off large snow deposits and clear the doors to prevent snow from entering the shed. Remove sensitive items if you have experienced prolonged heavy snowfall.

What precautions should I take during violent storms?

Avoid operating the shed in strong winds and consider bolting it to the ground for extra safety and security.

Can I insulate my Asgard shed?

Yes, insulating your Asgard shed can help regulate the temperature inside. Refer to our blog post on insulating your shed for more information.

How do I assemble my Asgard shed?

All Asgard sheds come with detailed instructions for home assembly, featuring step-by-step visuals. You can download the instructions as a PDF for easy reference.


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